Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day is a day to remember!

2,852,901 + United State Military Casualties of War

by Tom Tognoli

A three day weekend. Don’t you love it?

Well…don’t forget why we have this three day weekend.  Today is Memorial Day and over 2,852,901 people have died serving our country in the last 240 years so we could live the life we do today…you heard right, nearly 3 million people have died.  Check out United States military casualties of war to learn more.   Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868. Today we all need to pay respect, honor, and remember those who died defending us.  Think about it…they died so we could have the life and opportunities we have today.

So, today as we are enjoying a day off grilling burgers and spending time with friends, take some time to remember those who gave up their lives so we could have ours.

Here is the question we need to ask ourselves. Would those who’ve died so we could live say it was all worthwhile if they were to be with you today? To see how you are living your life? To see how you are making a difference? They died so we could live. They left their families behind. They were only kids.  Don’t let them down. Make them proud of what you do and the difference you are making in this life. Make the most of it. They gave their lives so we could!

So, when things aren’t going our way, when we are tired, and when the going gets tough, close your eyes and think of them ask yourself what advice would they give me?  Would they think it is so tough?  When the going gets tough, would they tell you to give up and make excuses?

Is that what they would have done? I don’t think so. What do you think? I’m sure they would gladly trade places with you!

We owe them giving it our absolute best.

Make it a GREAT life…they gave theirs so we could.

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