Sunday, March 23, 2014

Santa Barbara Maritime Museum Artist Reception and Sale,March 27th

Hank Pitcher Artist Reception and Sale

Where: Santa Barbara Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Way, Santa Barbara, California

When: Thursday, March 27, 2014 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm

What: Prints are reproductions of paintings primarily held in private collections


March 27

The Light at Point Conception:

Prints by Hank Pitcher

Artist Reception
  • Mimi Michaelis
  • Chris Lancashire
  • Sexwax Incorporated
  • Sullivan Goss - An American Gallery

Please RSVP: (805) 962-8404 x115

“The Light at Point Conception” is a selection of museum quality prints of original paintings by Hank Pitcher that focus on his 40 year long fascination with the land and sea near this legendary lighthouse.

Thirty-five miles west of Santa Barbara, this headland is a wild place, sacred to the Chumash, and notorious to mariners for its treacherous waters, extreme winds and unpredictable weather. The waters near this division between northern and southern California are known to surfers and divers as a place of frequent shark attacks. It is surrounded by miles of private, working cattle ranches and is normally only visible by plane or by boat.
This exhibit includes prints of the lighthouse over the past 30 years.

These prints are reproductions of paintings primarily held in private collections, many of which have never been exhibited. A limited number of select prints will be available for purchase in support of the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. Hank Pitcher’s paintings are grounded in a particular sense of place.  In this exhibit, his surfboard images are the symbol of California beach culture…strong, definite, positive.  His Point Conception Lighthouse and landscape images are euphoric and powerfully symbolic of a remote place which few have experienced. A lesson in “simplicity, ” his works create an illusion of innocence which is the construct of a painting whose actual complexity can be read on many levels.

Sullivan Goss: An American Gallery, is Hank Pitcher’s exclusive agent on the West Coast for original paintings and is a supporter of the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum.

A print show featuring original reproductions of Point Conception Lighthouse Paintings, Cojo/Bixby/Hollister Ranch Paintings, paintings from the “Bulls at Point Conception Series,” and surfboard paintings will run for approximately five months in the gallery of the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum.

Prints will be available for purchase at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum and online at Revenues from sales made through the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum will be shared between Hank Pitcher Editions and the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum.

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