Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baubles, Beads and Bangles

The Gem Show is Back in Santa Barbara!

September 3, 4, 5
Friday noon-7pm; Saturday 10 am-6pm; Sunday 10am-5pm

Whether you love wearing, giving or owning bling or you are creative and like making jewelry, a professional jeweler; or are just curious ...attending to a Gem Faire is an amazing experience.

Earl Warren Show Grounds become one great big candy store...eye candy!  It is a must see experience!  Rows and rows of strands of every imaginable bead, gem and bauble imaginable is laid out to view, touch, haggle over...leave behind or own.  If you are a rock hound, there are dealers for you; if you are interested in fine jewelry you will find fabulous buys.
There is something for all ages, although this is not a happy place for todlers.

Santa Barbara's show does not rival the week show in Arizona, or even the one in Las Vegas...but it is pretty special.  Buyers, artists, jewelers and lookie-loos come from the tri-counties to join in this wonderful event. Classes and demonstrations in bead stringing, wire wrapping, cab making and lapidary arts are being held during the 3-day event.
for more information:


  1. Carla,
    You such a great job on your posts! Love how fun Santa Barbara really is and you manage to cover the greatest events!

  2. Thanks a lot. I appreciate your comment and your wonderful shop!
