Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Old Spanish Days in Santa Barbara

Viva La Fiesta!
A Gathering of Friends
for more details:

August 4-8, 2010

every year there is a contest for the official Fiesta Poster

Wednesday of Fiesta Week 8 p.m.

Fiesta Pequena
Fiesta officially begins with Fiesta Pequena, "Little Fiesta", on the steps of Santa Barbara's historic Old Mission, featuring Fiesta's traditional songs and dances.  Food is available from local vendors
open to the public and free

Thursday August 5th

El Presidente's Prayer Service
10 a.m.-FREE
Non-denominational prayer service for all held at the Old Mission followed by a Garden Reception. 
information 805-6824713.  Prayer Service open to public.
Celebracion De Los Dignatorios
5pm - 10 pm-$$
Held at the SB Zoo, $85/per person in advance or $100 at the gate.  Tickets available online at
Appetizers and wines presented by local restaurants and winesries.  Dance to the sounds of Soul City Survivors.  Park at the DoubleTree and catch the Dignatatious shuttle inthe parking lot.  Or, ride MTSD's Downtown Waterfront Electric Shuttle at MTD stop.

Friday, August 6th

El Desfile Historico / Parade
12:00 noon - FREE

The Fiesta Historical Parade is one of the largest equestrian parades in the U.S. The Parade starts at the west end of Cabrillo Blvd., proceeeds east along the beach, to State St, then up State St. to Sola St. 


Many of the beautiful old carriages and buggys seen in the parade are stored at the Carriage Museum, and were in actual use in local ranches years ago.

Flor y Canto
7 p.m. FREE
Bring a picnic dinner and enjoy the show int he Courthouse Sunken Garden.  Original Spanish California dances and songs from the 19th century performed by local residents in authentic costumes much as they would have been 150 years ago.

Saturday, August 7th

10 a.m. FREE

This is a not to be missed parade.  Organized by the City Parks and Recreation Department, young people of Santa Baqrbara, their parents and other parade participants don traditional costumes and celebrate the rich culture of their Santa Barbara heritage.

Parade proceeds down State Street, from Victoria to Ortega Streets.

1:00 - 5:00 p.m. FREE

Tardes De Ronda

Children's Variety Show.  Wearing colorful costomes children from the Santa Barbara area demonstrate their talents and multi-cultural heritage.  In the beautiful Sunken Gardens at the County Court House.

Sunday, August 8th

West Coast Symphony 44th Annual Fiesta Concert

3:30 P.M. -FREE

Bring the family, snacks and lawn chairs for an afternoon of beautiful music conducted by Christopher Story VI.

Recurring Events

Mercado de la Guerra
11 a.m - 11 p.m. FREE attendance
Located at De La Guerra Plaza, across from City Hall.
Locals and visitors alike have an opportunity to feast  on Spanish and Mexican-American foods, shop for crafts, souvenirs and enjoy live entertainment all day and into the early evening.  All vendors are local non-profits.

Mercado Del Norte
11 a.m.-11 p.m. -FREE attendance
MacKenzie Park at State and Las Positas in San Roque area.
This mercado caters to famililes with lots of Kiddie Carnival Rides and activities for toddlers and teens. Food for young and old ranges from the typical Fiesta foods, to the Fiesta Crazy Horse Cantina for icy cold beer margaritas and live entertainments  into the evening. Mercado Cercado offers  Fiesta souvenirs.

August 7th - 8th - FREE
Fiesta Art & Crafts Show
10 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cabrillo Boulevard west of Stearns Wharf
a statewide gathering of artisans and crafts people displaying a wide variety of paintings, carvings, pottery, and other handcrafted wares.

Competition de los Vaqueros
August 5 - August 8th

Fiesta 2010 brings professional Rodeo Cowboy Association athletes from all over the West to compete in contests of daring that have their roots in Santa Barbara's rancho era.  Bull and bronc riding and barrel racing, plus unique events like mutton bustin' for cowkids, and team penning guarantee "one of a kind" family entertainment.  Catch the action at Earl Warren Showgrounds at Las Positas and Calle Real of Hiway 101 where there is plenty of partking and vendors to tempt you with food, beverages and western-style souvenirs.

Professional Bull Riding- $$  Thursday Night, August 5th only at 7:30 p.m. General admission $45, tickets available at Earl Warren Show Grounds, or call Jedlicka's at 805.687.0747. 

Stock Horse Show and Competencia de los Vaqueros: Free Daily Performances.  See Events Calendar for specifics or the Rodeo Website:

(information and photographs obtained from Old Spanish Days Fiesta)


  1. Great run down on all of the festivities, Carla! We kicked it off tonight with goat tacos for dinner. They are amazing!


  2. Where in heaven's name did you find "goat" tacos? I did have some great fish tacos for lunch yesterday at the De La Guerra Mercado.
